16. - 21. marec (№12)

Don Glow

16. 3. pon / Don Glow (FR)
17. 3. tor / LAC (FR)
18. 3. sre / Jazz - Jaka Arh Trio
19. 3. čet / Excite!
20. 3. pet / Trio Mezcal (IT)
21. 3. sob / Nathan Williams & Lay D Funk (PL, USA)

Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.

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16. 3. pon / Don Glow (FR)

Kraut rock / Psych rock. Come If you like: The Stooges, King Gizzard, Oh Sees, Ty Segall, Pond, King Crimson.

"The Intention Flow unveils a mature band which can transcending its psychedelic influences. Stoner at times, grunge as soon as he speeds up the tempo. (...) Don Glow convinces for his first flight and we are waiting for the new album upcoming in 2020" - ROCK & FOLK

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17. 3. tor / LAC (FR)

A musical melange that switches from tight, plinky guitars to disco grooves to almost post rock swagger. If this album is a statement of intent it will be hugely exciting to see where they go next." Fecking Bahamas

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18. 3. sre / Jazz - Jaka Arh Trio

Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti.

Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji s študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.

Jaka Arh Trio

Trio, ki je nastal v začetku leta 2019, se bo 18. 3. v Prulčku prvič predstavil slovenski publiki. Zasedbo sestavljajo trije mladi glasbeniki iz Slovenije, Hrvaške in Danske, ki so se spoznali na študiju v Gradcu. Kmalu po začetku skupnega ustvarjanja so ugotovili, da je njihov pristop do glasbe zelo soroden in da se v tej zasedbi počutijo zelo 'domače'. Čeprav jih je pot po koncu lanskega študijskega leta vodila vsakega na svoj konec Evrope, se bodo ob tej priložnosti ponovno združili in poskušali na svojevrsten način interpretirati jazz godbo.

Jaka Arh (SLO) – tenor saksofon
Tin Džaferović (HR) – kontrabas
Chris Falkenberg Rasmussen (DK) – bobni

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19. 3. čet / Excite!

Četrtkov Excite!, ki ga vodi neverjetni Julijan Erič iz Prismojenih Profesorjev, je edinstven dogodek, kjer lahko v totalni emfazi doživiš old-school blues rock s sodobnim energetskim pridihom. Poslastica za poznavalce glasbe 70-ih in razodetje za ljubitelje novodobnih godb. Začenjamo ob 21h s koncertom, po pavzi sledi skupno muziciranje in druženje, tako na odru kot pod njim.

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20. 3. pet / Trio Mezcal (IT)

The project was born in 2016 from the ideas and music of double bass player Pippi Dimonte and took shape along with Emiliano Alessandrini’ s Afro-Cuban percussion and guitarist Alessandro De Lorenzi’s “metal” style. From the beginning the trio has been trying to overcome the stylistic boundaries of “genre” and has always focused on maintaining its creative and communicative naturalness, starting with the compositional and timbre peculiarities which were born from the merging of Afro-Mediterranean culture and electric guitars from the contemporary western world, together with a strong Northern European jazz influence.

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21. 3. sob / Nathan Williams & Lay D Funk (PL, USA)

Lay D Funk is a fusion jazz quartet. LDF debuted with "Urban Noise" LP and has released its second album "Made in Satisfaction". Their music combines jazz, funky and blues influences resulting in an interesting and unique fusion jazz atmosphere. The band has been honoured and rewarded during numerous jazz festivals and toured in Poland as well as Lithuanian and Latvian clubs.

Nathan Williams is emerging as an in-demand artist and educator. He plays trumpet since the age of nine and studies jazz and piano since age 11. Nathan has received numerous prestigious awards including The University of North Texas Jazz festival, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, The National Foundation for the Advancement in the Arts (NFAA) and The White House. His talents and dedication have allowed him the opportunity to perform around the world at such venues as the Monterey, Umbria, Montreux and JVC Jazz festivals.

Band members:
Jarek Zarychta - keys
Nathan Williams - trumpet
Tomek Strzelczyk - sax, EWI
Michał Wróbel - bass
Robert Kutrzepa - drums
Bartek Czubak - guitar

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