The Shameless Shongololo Band
30. 7. tor / CocoPilots (FR/PT)
1. 8. čet / Jazoo
2. 8. pet / The Shameless Shongololo Band (FI)
3. 8. sob /Les Amis & Thomas Diarra - odpade
Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.
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CocoPilots is an Reggae Soul DUO, who create a multilingual universe, where they blend different musical cultures with passion, spontaneity and of course a little magic. Their influences come from Latin America, English Soul and Jamaican Reggae.
CocoPilots consists of Sari from Portugal and Shamo from France who play with the most authentic complicity and a good dose of humour. The two met in 2017 on Christmas Night in Cambodia where they bonded over a deep connection of jamming and travelling.
Sari is the guitarist, singer and songwriter in 5 different languages, the intensity she puts in her voice gives strong emotions. She writes about Positivity, Nature, Feminism and Love. Shamo compliments with his experience in reggae, producing the sound of a full band through the technological wonders of the Loop-Station. With his improvisation skills on the trumpet he brings a Jazzy feeling to the duo.
CocoPilots has performed in over 60 cities in 9 countries in 3 continents.
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Enjoyable ethno jazz.
JAZOO does not set any limitations, but it simply surrenders to the creative energy and the feel of freedom, from which the members absorb the power and the inspiration.
Tomaž Pačnik - keyboard, accordion, electronics
Matjaž Mlakar - saxophone
Katja Stare - flute, vocals, percussion, saxophone
Nejc Haberman - bass
Danijel Hartman - drums
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(South Africa / Tanzania / Finland)
shamelessness / traditional / afrobeat / funk / ska / disco
The Shameless Shongololo Band is a group of musicians from Finland, South Africa and Tanzania on a common journey home to the African continent. The word shongololo comes from the Xhosa and Zulu languages and means a millipede, one of those unstoppable shiny long fellows who walk the earth with many many legs.
Our music comes from the roots of Finnish-South African singer-flutist Ayla Brinkmann and is inspired by artists such as Miriam Makeba, Brenda Fassie, Letta Mbulu and Hugh Masekela. This nine-man orchestra brings to life the unique sound of the townships of southern Africa, seldom heard live in Northern or Eastern Europe.
Ayla Brinkmann - vocals & flute
Vid Šketa - trumpet
Anna Voutilainen - alto saxophone & vocals
Heikki Sillanpää - trombone
Henry Lightfoot - drums
Ally Milao - congas & djembe & mtonya & percussion
Severi Lehtimäki - bass
Roope Strengell - guitar
Miiro Kesti - keys
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LesAmis so zasedba, ki je nastjala spontano, ki se širi in dograjuje, prav tako kot tudi njen repertoar.
LesAmis so: Thomas Diarra, basist, kitarist, pevec, ki je Slovenijo prvič obiskal poleti 2015 in je kot profesionalni glasbenik tudi tukaj takoj začel z glasbenim udejstvovanjem, nastopanjem in pletenjem profesionalnih mrež ...
Z njim nastopajo različni odlični glasbeniki: Miran Pečenik, Slovenec iz Trsta, virtuoz na harmoniki, dvakratni italijanski prvak, ki je član TPPZ Pinko Tomažič, aranžer različnih glasbenih zvrsti in ki sodeluje z več glasbenimi zasedbami (Modena City Ramblers, Dirty Fingers, Ivo Tull trio, Ovce itd.); Ivo Tull, kitarski virtuoz, ki lastne kitare tudi izdeluje, avtor, ki je leta 2015 izdal svoj blues-folk-rock prvenec "Hudič in jaz", frontman skupine Ivo Tull trio; Issiaka Sanou, tolkalec in virtuoz zahodnoafriških bobnov, ki poleg nastopov in sodelovanj z različnimi glasbenimi in plesnimi skupinami, vodi tudi bobnarske delavnice za odrasle in otroke ... ter drugi.
LesAmis preigravajo Thomasove avtorske komade in različne priredbe, predvsem pa predstavljajo enkraten glasbeni kolaž - fusion, "melange" ... jazz, blues, mandingo, zahodnoafriški tradicionalni ritmi, moderna afriška glasba, partizanske pesmi itd.
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30. 7. tor / CocoPilots (FR/PT)
1. 8. čet / Jazoo
2. 8. pet / The Shameless Shongololo Band (FI)
3. 8. sob /
Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.
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30. 7. tor / CocoPilots (FR/PT)
CocoPilots is an Reggae Soul DUO, who create a multilingual universe, where they blend different musical cultures with passion, spontaneity and of course a little magic. Their influences come from Latin America, English Soul and Jamaican Reggae.
CocoPilots consists of Sari from Portugal and Shamo from France who play with the most authentic complicity and a good dose of humour. The two met in 2017 on Christmas Night in Cambodia where they bonded over a deep connection of jamming and travelling.
Sari is the guitarist, singer and songwriter in 5 different languages, the intensity she puts in her voice gives strong emotions. She writes about Positivity, Nature, Feminism and Love. Shamo compliments with his experience in reggae, producing the sound of a full band through the technological wonders of the Loop-Station. With his improvisation skills on the trumpet he brings a Jazzy feeling to the duo.
CocoPilots has performed in over 60 cities in 9 countries in 3 continents.
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1. 8. čet / Jazoo
Enjoyable ethno jazz.
JAZOO does not set any limitations, but it simply surrenders to the creative energy and the feel of freedom, from which the members absorb the power and the inspiration.
Tomaž Pačnik - keyboard, accordion, electronics
Matjaž Mlakar - saxophone
Katja Stare - flute, vocals, percussion, saxophone
Nejc Haberman - bass
Danijel Hartman - drums
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2. 8. pet / The Shameless Shongololo Band (FI)
(South Africa / Tanzania / Finland)
shamelessness / traditional / afrobeat / funk / ska / disco
The Shameless Shongololo Band is a group of musicians from Finland, South Africa and Tanzania on a common journey home to the African continent. The word shongololo comes from the Xhosa and Zulu languages and means a millipede, one of those unstoppable shiny long fellows who walk the earth with many many legs.
Our music comes from the roots of Finnish-South African singer-flutist Ayla Brinkmann and is inspired by artists such as Miriam Makeba, Brenda Fassie, Letta Mbulu and Hugh Masekela. This nine-man orchestra brings to life the unique sound of the townships of southern Africa, seldom heard live in Northern or Eastern Europe.
Ayla Brinkmann - vocals & flute
Vid Šketa - trumpet
Anna Voutilainen - alto saxophone & vocals
Heikki Sillanpää - trombone
Henry Lightfoot - drums
Ally Milao - congas & djembe & mtonya & percussion
Severi Lehtimäki - bass
Roope Strengell - guitar
Miiro Kesti - keys
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3. 8. sob / Les Amis & Thomas Diarra
LesAmis so zasedba, ki je nastjala spontano, ki se širi in dograjuje, prav tako kot tudi njen repertoar.
LesAmis so: Thomas Diarra, basist, kitarist, pevec, ki je Slovenijo prvič obiskal poleti 2015 in je kot profesionalni glasbenik tudi tukaj takoj začel z glasbenim udejstvovanjem, nastopanjem in pletenjem profesionalnih mrež ...
Z njim nastopajo različni odlični glasbeniki: Miran Pečenik, Slovenec iz Trsta, virtuoz na harmoniki, dvakratni italijanski prvak, ki je član TPPZ Pinko Tomažič, aranžer različnih glasbenih zvrsti in ki sodeluje z več glasbenimi zasedbami (Modena City Ramblers, Dirty Fingers, Ivo Tull trio, Ovce itd.); Ivo Tull, kitarski virtuoz, ki lastne kitare tudi izdeluje, avtor, ki je leta 2015 izdal svoj blues-folk-rock prvenec "Hudič in jaz", frontman skupine Ivo Tull trio; Issiaka Sanou, tolkalec in virtuoz zahodnoafriških bobnov, ki poleg nastopov in sodelovanj z različnimi glasbenimi in plesnimi skupinami, vodi tudi bobnarske delavnice za odrasle in otroke ... ter drugi.
LesAmis preigravajo Thomasove avtorske komade in različne priredbe, predvsem pa predstavljajo enkraten glasbeni kolaž - fusion, "melange" ... jazz, blues, mandingo, zahodnoafriški tradicionalni ritmi, moderna afriška glasba, partizanske pesmi itd.
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