22. - 27. julij (№30)

Polka Madre

24. 7. sre / Jazz - Sever/Slapar Collective
25. 7. čet / Raoul and the Wisemen
26. 7. pet / Tres tristes tangos, Polka Madre (MX)
27. 7. sob / Dos Duo Onirico Sonoro

Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.

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24. 7. sre / Jazz - Sever/Slapar Collective

Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti.

Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.

Sever/Slapar Collective 

Band bo s prelivajočimi zvoki vibrafona in kitare predstavil jazzovske standarde. Člani zasedbe redno igrajo skupaj v različnih sestavih, a so se zbrali v takšni zasedbi prav za to priložnost. Publika lahko pričakuje energičen koncert.

Aleksander Sever - vibrafon
Jure Slapar - kitara
Luka Dobnikar- kontrabas
Anže Mikulan - bobni

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25. 7. čet / Raoul and the Wisemen

The connection between singer/songwriter Raoul Wijsma (NL) and Slovenia is a close one. Since he arrived in Slovenia for the first time - when Slovenia still used Tolars (!) - he fell in love with the country. Staying with a guest family, he got to know Slovenia through the Slovenians. The best way! Between 2011 and 2016 Raoul played at different beautiful locations throughout Slovenia with different bands. For example, the Bled Festival, Festival Kanal, Ormozko Poletje, in music bars in Ljubljana, the summer coast program in Izola, Piran and at the Evropske Prestolnica Kulture in Maribor. Appearing on radio SI and national television in “Poletna Scena”.

After having worked on a new sound and album in the Netherlands Raoul & the Wisemen are back for another Slovenian adventure! The band combines a warm, melodical sound comparable to acts like Keane and Bon Iver with light electronic elements that give their songs a modern touch. The topics remain the same: love, hope, growing and letting go.

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26. 7. pet / Tres tristes tangos, Polka Madre(MX) 

Tres tristes tangos (three sad tangos) is the fusion of klezmer and traditional mexican and latin american music, with 8 years of career the trio has played in some of the most important festivals in Mexico of folk and world music, with this new album, they crossed the atlantic and will continue their research for a greater project: to mix their music with experiences and folk tales from the protagonists of the balkans and the music that has influence them since the beginning to enrich their contribution in this new kind of music.

Jorge González: Bass.
Daniel Paz: Clarinet.
Silvestre Villaruel: Accordion.

Polka Madre 

With 3 albums, IMAS award (indie O Awards 2010 edition) for the best record of the year, more than 25 festivals, international tours, 14 years of professional career and more, Polka Madre is the band considered as the pioneer of balkan in Mexico, one of the eight mexican bands to play at glastonbury festival in the UK, they are now promoting their 4th studio album across Europe, a unique ocassion to hear the sounds from the mediterranean, balkans and Mexico together in this feral format.

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27. 7. sob / Dos Duo Onirico Sonoro 

DOS Duo Onirico Sonoro (DOS Dreamy Sound)

"Original crossover between electronics, jazz rhythm leanings, balkan hints, and echoes of classical" (Repubblica.it).

Annalisa De Feo - piano, vocal, synthesizers.
Marco Libanori - drums, percussion, electric pads.

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