44. teden: 29. oktober - 3. november

Indian Air

29. 10. pon / Lunine mene - Groovocado ob 20:30
30. 10. tor / Spoji - Nilza Costa trio
31. 10. sre / Indian Air (AT)
1. 11. čet / The Dreams
2. 11. pet / Buena Banda (AT)
3. 11. sob / Nero Kane (IT)

Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.

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29. 10. pon / Lunine mene - Groovocado 

Lunine Mene se odvijajo v znamenju raznolikih in žanrsko neopredeljenih skupin s strogo nedoločenim poreklom, ki jih vodi vsestranski urednik prulčkovega programa Saša S. Po koncertu sledi interkomunikacija vseh prisotnih umetniških prvakov in seveda popolnih obiskovalcev, ki kreše iskre svetlih trenutkov.


Groovocado je eden najbolj zdravih muzikadežev na Zemlji, saj v večjih količinah vsebuje življenjsko esencialna hranila, kot so soul, funk, disco, pop, rokenrol, bisere 80-ih in 90-ih. Poleg tega vsebuje tudi lepe brade, negovane lase in lastnega Jezu

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30. 10. tor / Spoji - Nilza Costa trio

Nilza Costa Trio is an international multi-ethnic group whose members come from different parts of the worl, with headquarters in Emilia-Romagna, Italy promoted the original material Brought from the Afro-Brazilian tradition Orixá-yoruba from Salvador, Bahia.

Lineup: Nilza Costa (Brazil) Voice, Massimo Zaniboni (Italy) Sax & Flute and Pablo Della Maggiora (Argentina) Percussions & Goni.

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31. 10. sre / Indian Air (AT)

Since his first awareness of Indian music and the sitar more than 20 years ago, the Austrian musician Klaus Falschlunger has become a master of the instrument and an active representative of the Indian-Musicscene in Europe.

The whole emotional spectrum of the musician´s inner world comes alive in "INDIAN AIR". He is accompanied by Clemens Rofner on doublebass, and by the percussionist Tobias Steinberger on framedrums/ric/kanjira.

Growing up with jazz and rock music, he discovered in his extensive travels to Asia, the Middle East and Europe, more and more the diversity of music. Next to his love for Indian classical music, he composed and experimented with different formations. His creativity and versatility brought him together with many musicians and artists from India, Korea, USA and Europe.

V sodelovanju s Ausrtijskim kulturnim forumom - Kulturnim centrom Veleposlaništva Avstrije v Ljubljani.

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1. 11. čet / The Dreams 

“Southern rock” in “Blues” sta preozka okvirja za opis žanra sedem članske zasedbe “THE  DREAMS”. Sta pa trden temelj za živo improvizacijo, ki se zgodi vedno znova med izvajanjem klasik “ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND-A”.

Od konca leta 2011 “THE DREAMS” koncertirajo po domačih in tujih odrih. Več kot dve urni program, nabit s pozitivno energijo in čustvi, daje njihovim koncertom značaj jam sessiona. Izkušnja, ki se jo da pridobiti le z obiskom koncerta. Doživite jo... VABLJENI!

Andrej Vengušt - vokal, ustna harmonika (Rakel),
Luka Vehar – el. kitara, backi (Škofja Loka),
Boštjan Zorc – el. kitara (Maribor),
Gašper Peršl – bobni (Ljubljana),
Vili Grdadolnik – slide kitara (Vodice),
Mitja Kavčič – Hammond orgle (Kranj),
Jure Lopatič – bas kitara, backi (Krško).

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2. 11. pet / Buena Banda (AT) 

Buena Banda is a brass band consisting of musicians from different corners of the world. The band grew out of the New Orleans tradition performing a mixture of musical styles from funk, rock, pop, jazz, hip hop, traditional music etc. The Buena Banda show features a number of explosive and energetic moments bringing an unforgettable experience filled with positive emotions.

Trumpet: Marko Šolman
Trumpet: Dominic Pessl
Tenor Saxophone: Nicolò Loro Ravenni
Baritone Saxophone: Oleksandr Ryndenko
Trombone: Sascha Krobath
Sousaphone: Georg Laller
Drums: Luis Carneiro de Oliveira

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3. 11. sob / Nero Kane (IT) 

Nero Kane is the nickname of Marco Mezzadri, a songwriter and musician already known in the Italian underground scene. After the release of his rock-wave album Lust Soul under the name NERO in 2016, he is focusing on a new intimate, minimal and decadent path. Folk-rock-blues voice and guitar combine European roots with American desert sounds in a project full of dark and emotional visions.

Love In A Dying World is the name of Nero Kane’s debut album, recorded and produced at Valley Recording Company in Los Angeles by Joe Cardamone (The Icarus Line/ Holy War), and released under American Primitive, an art collective founded by Cardamone.

His minimal, evocative and psychedelic live show is presented with visual artist and performer Samantha Stella (vocals/keyboards) who is also the director of the experimental film Love In A Dying World, based on Kane's album.

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