17. 7. tor / Les Gars d'en Bas (CZ, FR, SK)
18. 7. sre / Jazz - Eastern Border Quartet (IT)
19. 7. čet / Kuhn Fu (DE)
21. 7. sob / Thomas Diarra & LesAmis
Vstop prost. Začetek koncertov ob 21:00
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17. 7. tor / Les Gars d'en Bas (CZ, FR, SK)
Les gars d'en bas, a band from Rennes and Prague which plays french music, jazz, swing and world music.
Grégoire: Contrebasse, Chant, Guitare (France),
Matej: Clarinette, Chant (Czech Republic),
Vojtěch: Accordéon, Contrebasse, Chant (Czech Republic),
Maxime: Guitare, Chant, Sitar, (France),
Peter: Percussions, Chant (Slovakia)
Consisting of five fine musicians of three different nationalities (France, Czech Republic & Slovakia),Les Gars d'en Bas blends the diverse musical influences of each member to create a new, tasty and at times explosive cocktail of chanson, swing, jazz, blues, latin, klezmer and gypsy music, spiced by their own invention and delivered with the tremendous warmth afforded by an ensemble of acoustic instruments in good hands. With a repertoire consisting of both covers from this rich palette of musical traditions as well as their own compositions, Variety and Energy are their show's uniting principles. An important influence enriching and continuously forming the band's musical identity are their extensive travels. During the last year, Les Gars d'en Bas has played on hundreds of stages and street corners from Sweden to Italy, and Brittany to Turkey, traveled thousands of kilometers in their self-constructed caravan, and met thousands of interesting people that continually inspire their musical explorations. And so the time-tested marriage of the double bass, guitar, accordion, clarinet and percussion continues its famous journey through the history of the world's streets, pubs, cafés and dance floors, now in the hands of these young, talented, and inventive five. Don't miss them!
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18. 7. sre / Jazz - Eastern Border Quartet (IT)
Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti. Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.
Eastern Border Quartet
Lovro Mirth - voice
Piercarlo Favro - guitar
Simone Lanzi - double bass
Mathias Butul - drums
The quartet is composed by Lovro Mirth (voice), Piercarlo Favro (guitar), Simone Lanzi (double bass) and Mathias Butul(drums) who, known to the Conservatory of Trieste, have developed together the idea of the double bass player to bring all the genres of Balkan music to the improvisational language of jazz.
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19. 7. čet / Kuhn Fu (DE)
Kuhn fu is a post romantic jazz/rock disorder.
Christian Achim Kühn is the founder of this ensemble. He is a 35 year old guitarist-composer and aficionado of orchestral music born in Cologne, Germany. Because of his post romantic stress disorder he is in constant search for string players.
Ziv Taubenfeld ( 31 ) is a bass clarinet player from Karmiel, Israel. He is the leader of the great Trio BONES ( Leo Records ) and a very active figure in the Amsterdam Improvisation Scene.
Esat Ekincioglu ( 27 ) is our big baba bass of the band and was born in Istanbul, Turkey. He leads his own Ethno Jazz Trio AVA and is the bass player of Hiske Oosterwijk’s EVA.
George Hadow ( 25 ) is the new drummer of KUHN FU, replacing Lav Kovac who retired from touring so he can focus on his own music and self enlightenment. George is English, very English.
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21. 7. sob / Thomas Diarra & LesAmis
Thomas Diarra iz Burkina Fasa je Slovenijo prvič obiskal poleti 2015. Kot profesionalni glasbenik se je tudi pri nas takoj začel glasbeno udejstvovati in nastopati. Ker se od takrat vsako pletje vrača v Slovenijo, je tudi krog svojih glasbenih prijateljev razširil in iz ljubezni do glasbe ter želje po ustvarjanju je nastal projekt ThomasDiarra&LesAmis - glasbena skupina, ki publike nikoli ne pusti hladne; ki pretežno igra Thomasove avtorske komade, hkrati pa repertoar širi z novimi in novimi pesmimi...
Zares zanimiv glasbeni kolaž, fusion, "melange" ... jazz, blues, mandingo, ritmi vroče Afrike.
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