30. teden - 23. - 28. julij

Fergus McKay & Nothing Concrete

23. 7. pon / Fernweh (DE)
24. 7. tor / Fergus McKay & Nothing Concrete (FR)
25. 7. sre / Jazz - Igor Bezget Trio

Vstop prost. Začetek koncertov ob 21:00

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23. 7. pon / Fernweh (DE)

Emiliano Bagnato - guitar, fretless guitar, synthesizers.
Lorenzo Cosci - Drum, percussions.
Daniel Leix-Palumbo - keyboards, synthesizers.

Fernweh is a german word which express the desire to leave home, place of protection and certainties, in order to travel, regardless of destination. All of this can be transposed in music through improvisation: escaping from a shared and established point in order to create an extemporaneous travel. Any input proposed by one of the musicians represents a new path and a new direction to follow.

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24. 7. tor / Fergus McKay & Nothing Concrete (FR)

An effervescent blend of folk, swing, blues and americana, Fergus McKay & Nothing Concrete are a six piece international band based in the rolling countryside of the French Pyrenees. Add to the mix a tap dancing lindy-hopping brass section and you have the ingredients for an unforgettable live show. Their 2015 album "Ever the Forager" received glowing reviews and radio play, and the 2018 follow up is due in the summer.

Hundreds of live shows over the last few years have honed their performance skills and the schedule for 2018 looks as full as ever.

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25. 7. sre / Jazz - Igor Bezget Trio

Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti. Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.

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