2. 7. pon / Divota
3. 7. tor / Luis Barría (Chile)
4. 7. sre / Jazz - Gašper Bertoncelj Band
5. 7. čet / Blues:Rock - Bad Notion
6. 7. pet / Wild Strings Trio
7. 7. sob / Imperial College Wind Band (UK) ob 20h.
Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.
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2. 7. pon / Divota
Etno world-music kvartet Divota v zasedbi violina, harmonika, električna kitara in tolkala. Igramo tako avtorske kot folk skladbe z vsega sveta (Balkan, klezmer, slovenska, brazilska glasba itd.). Vsi člani so izkušeni in izobraženi glasbeniki (konservatorij za jazz v Celovcu, za klasiko v Ljubljani in leta privatnih ur), ki že dlje časa igramo v podobnih zasedbah;
Vita Kobal (violina), David Kocmur (električna kitara) in Ivo Švigelj (harmonika) smo poleg individualnih projektov do nedavnega delovali kot člani etno zasedbe Sezam, s katero smo nastopili na festivalih Floating Castle, Noči v stari Ljubljani in Trnfest. Poleg tega smo decembra 2016 že nastopili v Prulčku.
Pridružil se nam je še tolkalist Andrej Tomazin, ki igra v različnih skupinah, med drugim z Vito Marenče flamenco triom in Prismojenimi profesorji bluesa.
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3. 7. tor / Luis Barría (Chile)
Luis Barría, singer-songwriter of Latin American roots who comes from the southern zone of Chile, La Patagonia. After his Latin American tour around Chile and Argentina, he is planning a broadcasting tour along the old continent.
Luis released his first album “Eterno Regreso” last year, which is available on all digital platforms (youtube, spotify, deezer, itunes…). In his career Luis has done numerous performances in different sceneries. He has toured his home country, giving concerts in pubs, cultural centres and halls. In the same way, he has had the opportunity to exhibit his music abroad; in 2016 he travelled to Switzerland to be part of an intimate presentation in the Canton of Bern and in 2017 he toured the northern part of the neighbouring country, Argentina (Calchaquí Valley).
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4. 7. sre / Jazz - Gašper Bertoncelj Band
Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti. Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.
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6. 7. pet / Wild Strings Trio
Petra Onderuf - Violin,
Aleksander Kuzmić - Guitar,
Toby Kuhn - Cello
Wild Strings Trio is the collision of three musicians and three musical cultures, blending traditional Balkan with Jazz and Classical.
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7. 7. sob / Imperial College Wind Band (UK)
ob 20hImperial College Wind Band is a group of woodwind, brass and percussion players who study or work at Imperial College London. We play a wide variety of music ranging from arrangements of classical favourites to musical and film medleys, as well as modern wind band music. Imperial College Swing Band is a wind band subgroup who largely play jazz and blues classics as well as pop favourites.
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