2. 4. pon / Tobacco Road Blues Band (DE)
3. 4. tor / Barna Pély (HU)
4. 4. sre / Jazz Jam - David Jarh kvartet
5. 4. čet / Blues★Rock Jam - Skalp
6. 4. pet / Holler my Dear (AT)
7. 4. sob / Sound Dealer (AT)
Začetek koncertov ob 21:00
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2. 4. pon / Tobacco Road Blues Band (DE)
Peter Prammerdorfer - guitar, vocal
Mike Diwald - guitar, vocal
Christian Egger - bass
Klaus Sauli - drums
Starting as a coverband and playing the Songs of Hendrix, Moore, Clapton & Co., the Tobacco Road Blues Band began writing their own material after being asked to perform on a Television Show. Since it was a Christmas Special this first song was a Christmas-blues called „Under the Christmas Tree“. The audience liked it and it subsequently got airplay on Austrian radio stations.
Inspired by this first success, the band started to write more and more songs and after one year their shows consisted mainly of their own material. So there was a next step to be taken and the TRBB began to record their first CD at Southend Studios in St. Veit. Since the band hat often invited other musicians to play with them on stage it seemed quite logical to have them on the CD as well. „So what began with a simple Christmas-Blues developed into a major project“, says TRBB guitarist and singer Peter Prammerdorfer, „with the addition of Hammond B-3, Fender Rhodes, harp, a horn section and beautiful background voices“. „It all culminated“, remembers founding member Mike Diwald, „in a CD-release-concert with 350 - paying - guests!“
After that the band toured their home country. Frequently, specially at smaller venues, Prammerdorfer and Diwald picked up there acoustic guitars and played their shows „unplugged“ as a duo. After playing like 30 gigs in 2017 songwriters Prammerdorfer/Diwald had accumulated numerous new musical ideas and all of a sudden 14 new songs had been written to be added to the concert set list for 2018. And of course these songs now are in the process of being recorded with the release date set for November 2018. The single „Lean Your Head On Me“ to this upcoming CD was released in March 2018 and soon found airplay on various stations.
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3. 4. tor / Barna Pély (HU)
Watch out everybody in LjubJana. In April Barna Pely's comin to Ljubjana. This night is about a smashing blues guitar, energetic vocal, and mind-blowing stomp bass. Performing his own english and hungarian songs and a few covers that made an effect on his singer-songwriter career or musical attitude he always stay energetic on stage and never forget about his audience.
Great show! Don't miss it!
Offical videos:https://youtu.be/f8dfdkpCdWI
V sodelovanju s Balassijevim inštitutom - Kulturnim centrom Veleposlaništva Madžarske v Ljubljani.
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4. 4. sre / Jazz Jam - David Jarh kvartet
Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti. Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.
David Jarh kvartet
Zasedba: David Jarh (trobenta), Nikola Matošić (kontrabas), Ratko Divjak (bobni), Aleksander Sever (vibrafon)
David Jarh je slovenski publiki že dolga leta poznan trobentač. Je tudi član RTV Big Banda in profesor na KGBL Ljubljana. V svoji karijeri je že nanizal veliko tako avtorskih kot ostalih projektov. Tokrat bo predstavil mladega obetavnega vibrafonista Aleksandra Severja. Vabljeni..
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5. 4. čet / Blues★Rock Jam - Skalp
Četrtkov Blues★Rock Jam Session, ki ga vodi neverjetni Julijan Erič iz Prismojenih Professorjev, je edinstven dogodek, kjer lahko v totalni emfazi doživiš old-school blues rock s sodobnim energetskim pridihom. Poslastica za poznavalce glasbe 70-ih in razodetje za ljubitelje novodobnih godb. Začenjamo ob 21h s koncertom, po pavzi sledi skupno muziciranje in druženje, tako na odru kot pod njim.
Skalp so skupina, ki je v svojem skoraj dvajsetletnem ustvarjanju požela veliko strokovnih nagrad, kar jih je nedvomno utrdilo na slovenski rockovski sceni. Njihov pristop do ustvarjanja je instinktiven in hkrati nabit s strastjo do prvinskega rokenrola. Besedila so inteligentna, a vsebujejo ravno pravo mero kljubovanja in praktičnega pristopa do življenja. V letu 2007 so fantje izdali svoj prvi album Preproste rešitve s katerega je kar 6 singlov zasedlo prva mesta radijskih lestvic, leta 2012 pa je bil izdan drugi album Mars je prodan z nosilno skladbo Vem, da lahko!, ki je prejela tudi nagrado za najboljši videospot leta. Z albumom Mars je prodan na slavnostni podelitvi iz rok župana Ajdovščine prejeli tudi nagrado za posebne dosežke. Fantje pa ne počivajo na lovorikah in trenutno v studiu Hendrix snemajo nove skladbe.
Zasedba: Peter Krkoč (glavni vokal), Aleš Pelhan (kitara, vokal), Mladen Marjanović (kitara, vokal), Matjaž Koron (bas kitara, vokal), Tonči Valič (bobni)
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6. 4. pet / Holler my Dear (AT)

The heavier the world feels on your shoulders, the more you need a light and dainty beat to move to.With Steady As She Goes, Berlin-based band Holler My Dear are releasing a disco-folk album that works the current gloomy state of affairs into bouncy tunes.
To hi-hats, trumpets and accordeon, the six eclecticists are dancing gently on the filter bubble all while being staunchly political; play acoustically all while retaining their disco groove. Seeming contradictions is also where the album’s nautical title stems from: Steady As She Goes, or „keeping the ship on course“ is less about going in straight lines and more about navigating high tides: It’s fluctuation Holler My Dear find consistency in.
Laura "Laus" Winkler – Gesang (A)
Stephen Molchanski – Trompete, Gesang (UK)
Fabian Koppri – Mandoline, Gesang (D)
Valentin Butt – Akkordeon (R)
Lucas Dietrich – Kontrabass (A)
Elena Shams – Schlagzeug ®
V sodelovanju s Ausrtijskim kulturnim forumom - Kulturnim centrom Veleposlaništva Avstrije v Ljubljani.

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7. 4. sob / Sound Dealer (AT)
Sound Dealer was founded in 2010 by Armin Polsinger, David Kinzer and Gabe Cresnar. The musicians were all active in the Austrian music scene for years. But each of the three longed for a project that combined the energy and playfulness of progressive rock music from the 1970s with more modern, harder sounds as well as groovy and jazz-heavy elements.
Marco Hutegger - vocal
Armin Polsinger - guitar
David Kinzer - bass
Gus Geraet - drums
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