20. 1. pon / Ljubičice (SRB)
21. 1. tor / Toni
22. 1. sre / Jani Moder trio
23. 1. čet / Excite!
24. 1. pet / Nasty Monroe unplugged (Trieste)
25. 1. sob / Balkan Open - Srbija
Začetek koncertov ob 21:00. Vstop prost.
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20. 1. pon / Ljubičice (SRB)
Ljubičice are an academic electro-blues duo from the future.
The band draws energy from sibling rivalry - the decades-long struggle for musical domination turned them into exceptional instrumentalists, their playing style breaking down the boundaries between genres.
Ljubičice made their claim to fame in 2019, when they stormed the charts with their new single, “Jedva čekam rat ljudi protiv mašina”. Their main focus has always been playing live, which lead them to a 30-odd concert tour, crowned by a performance at the main stage of the Exit Festival. The tour was a major success, as proven by ecstatic audiences across the region and punctuated by glowing reviews from the critics. The same year they entered the world of film by writing music for the “Žigosani u reketu” TV show, which gained popularity with regional audiences fast (IMDb rating 8,6).
In addition to live performances, the pair are pursuing careers as studio producers, collaborating with numerous regional stars such as Sajsi MC, Buč Kesidi, Daniel Kovač, LP Duo, as well as world-renowned legends like Bill Drummond. They are gear-brigands from the old flea market in Pančevo, who do not shy away from the forbidden things in music production.
The band is now evolving further as their new studio project, Ljubičice 2.0, grinds smooth sci-fi grooves, soulful electro-funk, and the theme of Man’s struggle against Machine into one cohesive, exciting whole.
Vuk Stevanović - Vocal, Bass, Ableton Live
Petar Stevanović - Vocal, Trumpet, Guitar
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21. 1. tor / Toni
Od začetkov v pevskem šovu xFactor in skupine IN&OUT do neskončno preplesanih noči z groovy skupino Xequtifz. Toni je prehodil pisano glasbeno pot in si oder delil z imeni kot so: Muff, Senidah, Trkaj, Maja Keuc, Bojana Stamenov, Hannah Mancini, Žan Serčič, Raiven, DJ Dey.
Na svojem glasbenem romanju se bo tokrat ustavil v nam vsem ljubem Prulčku, kjer bo predstavil svoj prvi EP z naslovom "Sebe iščem".
Toni in Žan Serčič (producent) obljubljata idiličen večer akustične romantike!
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22. 1. sre / Jani Moder trio
Sredin jazz večer združuje izvajalce in poslušalce v vrhunskem glasbenem dogodku. Kot je v navadi, določena zasedba začne s koncertom, ki traja dobro uro. Po kratki pavzi se nadaljuje improvizacija z muzikalnimi gosti.
Neuveljavljeni delijo oder z izkušenimi, profesorji z študenti, obiskovalci in glasbeniki se spoznavajo, družijo ter ustvarjajo slovensko jazzovsko noto. Najlepši jazz standardi v inteligentni interpretaciji mednarodno priznanih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov vsako sredo v Prulčku. Program vodi legendarni kontrabasist Nikola Matošić.
Jani Moder trio

Jani Moder - kitara
Nikola Matošić - kontrabas
Ratko Divjak - bobni
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23. 1. čet / Excite!
Četrtkov Excite!, ki ga vodi neverjetni Julijan Erič iz Prismojenih Profesorjev, je edinstven dogodek, kjer lahko v totalni emfazi doživiš old-school blues rock s sodobnim energetskim pridihom. Poslastica za poznavalce glasbe 70-ih in razodetje za ljubitelje novodobnih godb. Začenjamo ob 21h s koncertom, po pavzi sledi skupno muziciranje in druženje, tako na odru kot pod njim.
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24. 1. pet / Nasty Monroe unplugged (Trieste)
Nasty Monroe is a band formed in Trieste (IT) in 2014. We play all original songs and our influences come from bands like: Stooges, T Rex, Guns N Roses and from more modern 90s alternative stuff like Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Marilyn Manson.
In 2015 we published our first ep: a 7' vinyl called Details Of A Violence. We are now working on our first full lenght album, our first single Just Dead is out now, on Youtube, Itunes Amazon, and it is something about this sick society.
Just dead, this is all about reflecting changes are happening. Are you alive? Do You feel like something is going the wrong way? Are we ready to change this World? Think about it and face your fears.
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25. 1. sob / Balkan Open - Srbija
Jelena Soro - vokal, oboa
Vanja Dizdarević - violina
Julien Chanal - kitara
Peter Lebar - bas,
Dejan Jovanov - tolkala
Vabljeni vsi pogumni in manj pogumni, glasbeniki, plesalci in poslušalci, da se nam pridružite na odru. Prinesite svoje instrumente.
Če pesmi ne znaš, nič ne skrbi, te bomo že naučili.
(Balkan Jam Real Book http://bit.ly/BalkanBook40 )
Dogodek je delno podprt iz strani MOL.
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