7. 8. čet / Alba&Leo's The Elsewhere
8. 8. sre / Albert Kerekes & The Story Twisters (NL)
9. 8. čet / Emma Morton + the Graces (UK-IT)
10.8. pet / Viktória Havay and the Cápok (HU)
11. 8. sob / Mercer Trio (IT)
Vstop prost. Začetek koncertov ob 21:00
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7. 8. čet / Alba&Leo's The Elsewhere
More recently they gathered musical soulmates in “the elsewhere” quartet. They are the outstanding cellist Natalie Rozario, who moves with equal ease between classical and modern music (she performed at Sydney Opera House, West-End musicals and with Jamie Cullum), and the eclectic percussionist Sass Hoory, a multi-instrumentalist, composer, expert for Middle Eastern music and founder of the London-based school “The Drummer Factory”. The quartet performs mainly original music, impossible to put in a box. It is a mixture of jazz and world music with Alba’s unique singer-songwriter signature.
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8. 8. sre / Albert Kerekes & The Story Twisters (NL)
Navihano energični projekt Albert Kerekes & The Story Twisters s unikatnimi glasbenimi zgodbami.
Zasedba prihaja iz Nizozemske kjer so se na pobudo Alberta Kerekeša zbrali štirje profesionalni glasbeniki. Zasedba nastopa izključno z avtorskimi kompozicijami in aranžmaji. Večino idej za glasbo črpa iz dejavnikov našega vsakdana kot so naprimer budilka, cerkveni zvonovi in opazovanja čustev v nas samih.
Albert Kerekeš - saksofon
Maja Matić - klavir
Dejan Hudoklin - el. bas
Anže Mikulan - bobni
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9. 8. čet / Emma Morton + the Graces (UK-IT)
“Emma Morton + the Graces’ live show offers more than just a taste of the band’s unique psychotropic sound-cocktail, fizzing with Afro-American and Scottish Folk influences; their emotionally charged improvisation and authentic dialogue not only speaks to their audiences but invites them to take part in the hunt for truth as they expose and explore the beautiful contaminations which hide in the dark and decorate and distort the prosody of every day life.”
Voice: Emma Morton
Drums: Piero Perelli (Dana Fuchs)
Guitar: Luca Giovacchini (Vinicio Capossela, Bobby Johnson, R.L. Burnside, Frank Frost, Sam Carr and more)
Doublebass: Gabriele Evangelista (Stefano Bollani, Rava and more)
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10.8. pet / Viktória Havay and the Cápok (HU)
Viktória Havay (vokal)
Irén Fekete (violina)
Ferenc Kudász (koboz)
Márton Walch (tapan, boben, dromlja)
István Szengyel (ples)
V sodelovanju s Balassijevim inštitutom - Kulturnim centrom Veleposlaništva Madžarske v Ljubljani.

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Mercer Shavelson grew up in Long Island, NY and has been around music all of his life. His late mother and jazz singer Rebecca Dorsey gigged throughout his childhood, and in fact even while pregnant with him. So it was no surprise when he started playing music at the age of six, first on drums, before switching to violin and then eventually taking up the piano by age nine. Shavelson played his first local gig while in middle school, and by the time he was fifteen worked regularly as a keyboardist, playing in both Jazz and R&B groups around Long Island. Later on, in the Spring of 2017, Shavelson was admitted to the New School for Jazz on full academic scholarship, at the age of 17. Since then, he has gotten his feet wet in the New York City scene, bringing his own groups to venues such as The Bitter End, Williamsburg Music Center and Shapeshifter Lab. Shavelson has received instruction from numerous jazz masters, including Reggie Workman, Joanne Brackeen, Aaron Goldberg and Kris Davis, and looks forward to continuing his studies into his sophomore year of college. Currently residing in Brooklyn, NY, he aims to approach music progressively and creatively, challenging listeners with unique instrumentation, grooves, harmony, and other elements.
Mercer Italian Trio:
Mathias Butul - Drums
Angelo Vardabasso - Bass
Mercer Shavelson - Piano
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11. 8. sob / Mercer Trio (IT)
Mercer Shavelson grew up in Long Island, NY and has been around music all of his life. His late mother and jazz singer Rebecca Dorsey gigged throughout his childhood, and in fact even while pregnant with him. So it was no surprise when he started playing music at the age of six, first on drums, before switching to violin and then eventually taking up the piano by age nine. Shavelson played his first local gig while in middle school, and by the time he was fifteen worked regularly as a keyboardist, playing in both Jazz and R&B groups around Long Island. Later on, in the Spring of 2017, Shavelson was admitted to the New School for Jazz on full academic scholarship, at the age of 17. Since then, he has gotten his feet wet in the New York City scene, bringing his own groups to venues such as The Bitter End, Williamsburg Music Center and Shapeshifter Lab. Shavelson has received instruction from numerous jazz masters, including Reggie Workman, Joanne Brackeen, Aaron Goldberg and Kris Davis, and looks forward to continuing his studies into his sophomore year of college. Currently residing in Brooklyn, NY, he aims to approach music progressively and creatively, challenging listeners with unique instrumentation, grooves, harmony, and other elements.
Mercer Italian Trio:
Mathias Butul - Drums
Angelo Vardabasso - Bass
Mercer Shavelson - Piano
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